Kiprah (Progress) 2 for Edition 48
PKRS Youth Camp in Banyuwangi
by: Muh. Mashuri
On 24-25 December 2014, the Forum of Sexual and Reproductive Health Education (FPKRS) in Banyuwangi consists of PIKR As-Salam and ScuterS held a youth camp at the ATLANTA Genteng Park. Two days of one night event was followed by six schools around Banyuwangi district. Each school sent two boys and two girls. This activity aimed to share knowledge about reproductive health, gender and sexuality.
The event was opened by reading Al Fatihah, ummul kitab (the head of the surah in Al Qur’an), followed by singing Indonesian anthem together, and welcoming speeches. The first speech was by Nihayatul Wafiroh, member of House of Representatives Commission IX of Health from Banyuwangi, Bondowoso and Situbondo. In her speech, Ibu (Mrs) Ninik, as she is familiarly called, provides many explanations about gender, ranging from definition, differences to sex, examples of gender inequality, to negative effects of gender inequality. Second speech was delivered by Hadi Sapuan, the Chairman of the Committee. In his speech, teacher of SMK (vocational school) Mukhtar Safa’at Blokagung explained reason and purpose of the Youth Camp activity.
The materials on Gender Sensitivity explained differences between sex and gender, and how gender is constructed. Before the event began, participants were given opportunity to rest while enjoying light snacks the committee provided. In this session, the participants were divided into two classes, each classroom hosted by two facilitators. The first class was guided by Hadi Sapuan and Aula; while the second class was guided by Khotibul Umam and Rizki Maulana.
First the facilitator explained what gender is, with the example. Subsequently the participants were divided into groups of five people each. They were asked to write down common differences of gender between men and women in society, and write them on the plano paper provided by the committee. Each group was asked to appoint two representatives to present their group works. Around 80% participants had understood about gender. It was seen during participants’ evaluation, where the facilitator gathers two classes in one room, and asked questions to each participant.
At night, the event was filled with the art performance. Before it began, the facilitator firstly enticed the participants to recall the gender material through games. Art performance aimed to familiarize the participants to be able to perform in front of the crowd, and to show the talents possessed by their respective schools. After the art performance ended, the participants were given time to rest.
The next day, the participants entered the same class like previous day. This time theme of discussion was about sex and sexuality. The method used was similar to previous day. The facilitator was satisfied with participants’ responses and understanding.
To refresh atmosphere and strengthen understanding, the participants were invited to do a game looking for traces called Perjari. During Perjari, the participants were stopped at certain posts and being reminded about the materials already given. Participants were also invited to create Follow-up Plans, so they can disseminate the material they learned to their friends at schools.
At exactly 3.35 pm, the Youth Camp event was officially closed, after all participants and committee prayed together. And everyone went back to their schools and homes with happiness. [] Muh. Mashuri, a student from (excellent) Madrasah Aliyah Mamba’ul Huda, Krasak Tegalsari, Banyuwangi