By: Siti Alfijah

Arum (is not her real name),  a female teenager and a Senior High School student. As common as the teenager of her age, she has social media accounts, one of them is facebook. Arum often accepts the request for friendship from another people to become her facebook friend,  without worrying that one of their friends in facebook  will have another intention, that perceived herself as a woman that can be used for joyful matter. 

Let say Yadi, a 35 years old man that requested Arum to be his facebook friend, Arum accepted the request of friendship from Yadi. Yadi sent messages to her, asked her to introduce each other, and Arum replied him. After a long time, Yadi started to unsettle her with the inappropriate messages. Furthermore,  Yadi started to be brave to ask her for the video call, and asked Arum to show the privat parts of her body. 

Of course Arum must be frightened for this, but she still has the ability to think that the accidents which she experienced can’t be solved by herself. Yadi who is older than her must be continued to disturb her with such inappropriate messages.   Then Arum reported him to the Women Recourse Center for the victims of violence against women, by showing the inappropriate messages from Yadi. When the case will be sent into the Court, Yadi apologized and asked to close the case and solved in through the family way. He also surprised knowing that his behavior can bring him into the legal route. 

We consider that the cased which had been experienced by Arum, can happen to anyone, anywhere, and anytime. Therefore we encouraged efforts on elimination of Gender Based Violence (GBV) and also to realize gender equality in two areas. First, in the area of policies. We encourage the decision makers at various levels (leadership in the Village/Citizen Associations/PKK/Dasa Wisma/Karang Taruna) and the public leaders and religious leaders to become the front liners  to implement the enforcement of government policies related to gender equality. 

Second, in the community level. We disseminate awareness on the important of elimination of Gender Based Violenc (GBV) and the important to realize gender equality through public education, campaigns, involvement of men (father and young men groups); through various agenda:

[1] Involving men in the efforts on the prevention of Gender Based Violence (GBV).  This awareness will make us easier to involve more men from various backgrounds of ages, races, and social economic class. Men can become the strategic partners to handle their peer groups who still put forward the Gender Based Violence (GBV). 

[2] We do some on the prevention of Gender Based Violence (GBV) and reduce the dangerous potency on the neglection of  gender equality principals and the dangers that threatening the sexuality and reproductive health and rights, socialize the important of women’s rights, women, and youth, in which those rights had been protected by the regulations. 

[3] We do counseling for both the victims (survivors) and perpetrators of Gender Based Violence (GBV). We do the counseling for the spouse; husband and wife; omen victims of gender based violence, and the men perpetrators of gender based violence  and also for the youth. By doing this counseling, we expect that the chain of GBV will be eradicated although it is difficult to finish. Wassalam.


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