About Rahima

Rahima, Center for Education and Information on Islam and Women’s Rights Issues  is a non government organization (NGO) that focuses on the awareness raising on Islam, Gender, dan Women’s Rights.  The name of “Rahima” was insipired by the two key words, first is ‘rahim’ (woman’s womb) as a place when the human life started sowing. And secondly, from one of the ‘99 Beautiful Names of God’ (al-asma al-husna) namely “Ar Rahiim” which means The Merciful. Therefore, the purpose of the name of Rahima is ‘to celebrate life with the merciful soul”. 

Rahima was founded on 5 August 2000, and its existence was legalized by the Notary on 11 September 2000 in Jakarta. The founding persons of Rahima were 18 persons from various backgrounds such as religious leaders, women humanrights activists, and intellectuals such as KH. Muhyiddin Abdusshomad, Almh. Hj. Djudju Zubaidah, KH. Hussein Muhammad, Dra Hj. Shinta Nuriyah Abdurrahman Wahid, MA. Prof. Dr.SaparinahSadli, Kamala Chandra Kirana, MA, Farha Ciciek, MA, Prof. Dr.Azyumardi Azra, Syafiq Hasyim, AD. Eridani, and etc. In accordance with the commemmoration of Rahima 10th Anniversary, Rahima formally announced its new legal form by changing from Yayasan (Foundation) to Perhimpunan (Association). The change was legally passed by the Notarial Deed dated 12 August 2011 No.5, and also the Decree of the Ministry of Law and Humanrights Affairs Number  AHU-144 .AH.01.06. Year 2011.

The Vision and Mission of  Rahima 

Visi :    To realize an equal culture and social structure which is marked by the fulfilment of women’s rights as humanrights. 

Mission 1 :  The realization of the recognision on the authority of the Women Ulama 

  • Strategic Mission 1.1
    The supports from the public figures, religious and social institutions and the state (government). 
  • Strategic Mission 1.2
    The public spaces for Women Ulama are more available. 
  • Strategic Mission 1.3
    The availability of the Piloting Pesantrens (Islamic Boarding Schools) of Rahima  for caderization. 

Misi 2: The knots of Rahima are able to do social changes 

  • Strategic Mission 2.1 

Rahima becomes the reliable supporting system for Islam and Gender Equality. 

  • Strategic Mission 2.2. 

Rahima networks develop and increase. 


  • Female Ulamas 
  • Male Ulamas 
  • Religious Leaders 
  • Teachers of Islamic Subjects 
  • Lectures 
  • Religious Office Affairs Officials (instructors/extention agents, head men, family counsellors)
  • Majelis Taklim/Islamic Learning Forum Communities. 
  • Santri (pesantren students) and students in the pesantren/Islamic Boarding Schools and Madrasah (Islamic schools). 

Up to now, Rahima had been working with the community by involving more than 1000 partners from various  intermediary groups as were mentioned above. Most of them are community leaders and peer educators who play their active roles in the public awareness raising and community assitance. 

Stake Holders 

  • Pesantren/Islamic Boarding Schools 
  • Social/Community and Religious/Faith Based Organisations
  • Islamic Schools and Madrasah
  • Islamic Religious Colleges and Universities 
  • Research Center or Center of Studies 
  • Media:  mass media, both electronic and printed media, as well as social media
  • Ministries/Institutions in their specific working areas 
  • Donor and Funding Institutions both domestic and overseas 
  • Representative of  Embassies from various overseas countries in Indonesia 
  • Business sectors or Corporates