Kobher Women Sumenep Women’s Productive Space

By: Andi Nur Faizah The faces of Kobher Women’s members are visibly enthusiastic. Several of the members are active at home with domestic tasks and...

The Role of Women Ulama in Communities during the Covid-19 Pandemic

By: Pera Soparianti   Since the Covid-19 case entered Indonesia in March 2020, there have been various impacts on various spaces of people's lives. Including the...

Hearing the Experiences of Women Ulema Who Accompany Victims of Violence

By: Isthiqonita   In the preoccupied activities of women ulema in the moslem boarding school (pesantren) or majelis taklim, women ulema do not forget the problems...

Kobher Women, Sumenep Women’s Productive Space

By: Andi Nur Faizah The faces of Kobher Women’s members are visibly enthusiastic. Several of the members are active at home with domestic tasks and...

Balai Perempuan Annisa: Participation Space for Cilacap Women

By : Hanifah Muyassarah  Cilacap is one of the sending area of Indonesian Migrant Workers, but sometimes are also coloured with various problems. Loosing contacts...