Establishing Sakinah (Tranquil) Family

Establishing Sakinah (Tranquil) Family Title : "The foundation of the Sakinah Family: Independent Reading for Future Bride and Groom” Author :  KUA’s Development Team &...

Being Critical and Equal with “AGPAII”

Kiprah (Progress) of Edition 27: Being Critical and Equal with “AGPAII” The Association of Indonesian Islamic Education Teachers (AGPAII) is an organization built by Islamic...

Pesantren Rahima – an Effort to Nurture Women Ulama for the...

Kiprah 1, Edition 41 Pesantren Rahima – an Effort to Nurture Women Ulama for the Common Good of Ummha Pera Sopariyanti  Pesantren Rahima is one of the...

What’s Up With the Abortion Issue?

What's Up With the Abortion Issue? "When I was breastfeeding my first child, I got pregnant again, then I decided to discontinue my second pregnancy...

Polemics on Women’s Leadership

Khazanah (Treasure) for Edition 36: Polemics on Women’s Leadership by: Raudlatun Miftah  Book Title:  Women’s Fiqh; Pros and Cons on Women Leadership in the Context...

Nurturing Children with Love, a Note of the Book Revie

Kiprah (Progress) 1 for Edition 36: Nurturing Children with  Love, a Note of the Book Review by: Riri Khariroh "How do we know children understand what...

When the Acehnese Women Ulama Enunciated Equality

When the Acehnese Women Ulama Enunciated Equality My heart was pounding with excitement when Miss Binta from Rahima contacted me to take part in the...

Reviewing Women’s Equality in the Marriage

Every time we read a work on women in regard to marriage, the results of the study are mostly biased. Often, the points of...

Hearing the Experiences of Women Ulema Who Accompany Victims of Violence

By: Isthiqonita   In the preoccupied activities of women ulema in the moslem boarding school (pesantren) or majelis taklim, women ulema do not forget the problems...

The Role of Women Ulama in Communities during the Covid-19 Pandemic

By: Pera Soparianti   Since the Covid-19 case entered Indonesia in March 2020, there have been various impacts on various spaces of people's lives. Including the...