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Women and the Tradition; Reasons Behind Female Circumcision

Focus Edition 27: Women and the Tradition; Reasons Behind Female Circumcision Monday, August 10, 2009  Her name is Sarah, 36 years old. She lives in Sawangan,...

The Concept of Mahram (Guardianship) and Women Protection

By : Faqihuddin Abdul Kodir In the social life where women become the second class of society, stand unequally, and unrecognized them as important person,...

May a Woman Reject Her Husband’s Request for Sexual Intercourse?

Assalamu’alaikum Please, introduce my name. I am Melawati. I have been married for five years and we have 2 children. Every day, I work to...

Islam, Sexuality and Culture

By : KH. Husein Muhammad The term of “sexuality” is often simplified with understanding to merely biological activities related to male or female sexual organs....

Islam Rejects Sexual Violence

By: Imam Nakha’i The development of Information Technology (IT) is continued by the more number of dimensions of Violence Against Women (VAW). The online Gender...

The Interpretation of Baligh Vis a Vis Adulthood in Multiple...

By: Hj Afwah Mumtazah, M.Pd.I There are several cases of child marriage in rural areas because of free relationship, or because of parents’ interpretation regarding...

Biological, Psychological and Social Maturity : A Quranic Perspective

By : Ustadz Imam Nahe'i, MAg. The Meaning of 'Aqil Baligh What do people imagine when they hear the word 'Aqil baligh / maturity? What are...

Environmental Preservation in the Treasury of Hadith and Women’s Role

Monday, April 28, 2014 8:48 Dra. Nyai Hj. Badriyah Fayumi, Lc The living environment has always been an integral part of the principal teachings of...

Children Age Marriage

By : Dr. Nur Rofiah, Bil. Uzm. and Iffatul Umniati Lc, MA. To marry a girl-child in her very young age also means had been...

Jilbab / Hijab and Piety

By : KH. Husein Muhammad Jilbab and Hijab—often used interchangeably—are two classical vocabularies which continue to be discussed occasionally. This issue was written in thousands...