Women’s Work Force and Priorities

By: Faqihuddin Abdul Kodir The principles and teachings of Islam handed down by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), propose that every person should work hard and...

The Wise Respond towards Sex Technology Booming

By : Faqihuddin Abdul Kodir The development of technology is necessary.  It will continue to influence all aspects of people life. Not only to fulfill...

Understanding the “Heaven” from a Different Perspective

Indeed, diversity is nature. Allah swt. has created human from the tribe, ethnicity, skin color and gender are different. But in the eyes of...

Islam  and  Anti Sexual Violence Principles Part 1

By: Faqih Abdul Kodir*   Kongres Ulama Perempuan Indonesia (KUPI) or Indonesian Women Ulama Conggres in 2017 in Pesantren Kebon Jambu, Cirebon, had issued the fatwa...

The Concept of Mahram (Guardianship) and Women Protection

By : Faqihuddin Abdul Kodir In the social life where women become the second class of society, stand unequally, and unrecognized them as important person,...

Again: Hijab as a Right

By : Ustadz Faqihuddin Abdul Kodir, MA. Public discourse seems to never quit defining everything related to women. If jilbab is always to be disputed;...

Reproductive Health Education: Learning from the Experiences of Prophet’s Hadith

By : Nur Ahmad, M.A. In Islam, talking about health, cleanliness, purity, safety, and human reproductive sustainability, including talking about sexuality is actually not a...

Balancing ‘Rights Discourse’ and ‘Discourse Obligations’ in Reproductive Health Issues

Islamic discourse in Sachiko Murata is a balanced view of the relation of two things different but interlocked, such as: day and night; country-folk,...

The Interpretation of Baligh Vis a Vis Adulthood in Multiple...

By: Hj Afwah Mumtazah, M.Pd.I There are several cases of child marriage in rural areas because of free relationship, or because of parents’ interpretation regarding...

Female Ulama in the Prophet’s Hadith Sheets

By :  Umdah El Baroroh The terminology of ulama’ in Indonesia came from Arabic language, a plural form from the word ‘aliim, which means the...