Putting Women in the Subjet Position on Child Marriage Issues
By : Faqihuddin Abdul Kodir
On of the controversial issues regarding modern Islamic Family Law regarding the age of marriage is whether it should be...
Spirit of Justice in Inheritance
By : Badriyah Fayumi
Reading the Prophet’s hadith regarding women’s inheritance rights, is reading of an episode of a revolutionary social change history on women’s...
Protection of the Ancestry : Family Planning in Hadith Perspective
By : Nur Achmad
Our world now is inhabited by around 7 billion people. China become the first rank in the number of population which...
Islam, Women and Development of Peace Initiative
By : Faqihuddin Abdul Kodir
The greediness of strong states and global multinational company to the economic resources of the developing countries not only threaten...
Female Ulama in the Prophet’s Hadith Sheets
By : Umdah El Baroroh
The terminology of ulama’ in Indonesia came from Arabic language, a plural form from the word ‘aliim, which means the...
The Concept of Mahram (Guardianship) and Women Protection
By : Faqihuddin Abdul Kodir
In the social life where women become the second class of society, stand unequally, and unrecognized them as important person,...
Justice Perspective in Family Law Postulate
The case of violence that afflicts humanity has motivated the agents of change civilization to realize the perspective of life (way of life) and...
Support of Islam in the Empowerment of Women Head of Household
Religious understanding about male leadership in the family often becomes a real constraint strengthening women headed families. In data released PEKKA in 2005 for...
Balancing ‘Rights Discourse’ and ‘Discourse Obligations’ in Reproductive Health Issues
Islamic discourse in Sachiko Murata is a balanced view of the relation of two things different but interlocked, such as: day and night; country-folk,...
The Importance of Organizing Interests
This paper wants to discuss the basic assumptions and principles of community organizing, particularly in relation to issues of justice on relationships between female...