Women’s Role in the Rural Development : from the Hadith...

Based on Law No.7 Year 2014 on the Village Governance,  the Village structure had been appointed authority to be directly participated in the planning...

Balance and Extremity in Religion: Female as Being Affected Party

By : Nur Ahmad, MA Allah The Alimighty created this life with balance and in pairs. All of His creatures are given the tasks, obligations,...

Protection of the Ancestry : Family Planning in Hadith Perspective

By : Nur Achmad Acknowledgement  Our world now is inhabited by around 7 billion people. China become the first rank in the number of population which...

Affirming the Prohibition of Female Circumcision

Egypt Majlis Fatwa in around June-July 2007 had indeed issued a fatwa haram for female circumcision. This fatwa was based on the badness (dharar)...

Environmental Preservation in the Treasury of Hadith and Women’s Role

Monday, April 28, 2014 8:48 Dra. Nyai Hj. Badriyah Fayumi, Lc The living environment has always been an integral part of the principal teachings of...

The Protection of Women Victims of Trafficking

In the launching event of the book “Fiqh Anti Trafficking” (the Fiqh Againts Trafficking), held by MISPI (Mitra Sejati Perempuan Indonesia) in Banda Aceh,...

The Interpretation of Baligh Vis a Vis Adulthood in Multiple...

By: Hj Afwah Mumtazah, M.Pd.I There are several cases of child marriage in rural areas because of free relationship, or because of parents’ interpretation regarding...

Women’s Education for the Enlightment of Civilization : Exploring from the...

By:  Nur Achmad Acknowledgement  Injustices, discrimination, violence with all kind of its derivation which had been experienced by women still commonly happen. One of the preserving...

Suing Humiliation during Acquaintanceship Period

Monday, May 6, 2013 07:31 Nur Achmad, MA. There are so many teachings on mankind’s honor and all is important. Therefore many verses and traditions...