Learning from Al Quran in Discussing Sexuality

by : Dr. Nur Rofiah, Bil. Uzm. Technology has given various kind of easiness to santri. In the past, santri needed a lot of times...

Putting Women in the Subjet Position on Child Marriage Issues

By : Faqihuddin Abdul Kodir On of the controversial issues regarding modern Islamic Family Law regarding the age of marriage is whether it should be...

Doubt to Let the Child Study at Pesantren

Muhyiddin Abdusshomad Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wa barakatuh. Dear Kyai, I am Ahmad Aziz, a husband and father of 3 children (male and female) where the eldest is...

Islam  and  Anti Sexual Violence Principles Part 2

Structural and Cultural Responsibility  In one of the hadith text, Prophet Muhammad saw requested to all of the companions for helping the evil person for...

Sexual Violence in Emergencies and The importance of the Bill on...

By: Andi Nur Faizah  "There was a case that we assisted, where a woman was forced to marry at the age of 17 years, then...

Emulate the Prophet in the Elimination on Violence Against Women (VAW)

By: Luluk Farida As long as with the development of technology, human life become easier in accessing science, knowledge, data, information and the fulfilment of...

Qada’ Fasting for Women

Assalamu’alaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh Ibu Nyai, my name is Riana from Banten, a mother of 2 toddlers. I would like to inquire about qada’ rules of...

Working on the Integration of Reproductive Health (Kespro) and Sexuality in...

Focus Edition 48 Working on the Integration of Reproductive Health (Kespro) and Sexuality in Pesantren and Madrasah Education by: AD. Kusumaningtyas      "We understand, the book Qurrat...

Knowing and Understanding People with Disability

Focus 45th Edition Knowing and Understanding People with Disability By: AD. Kusumaningtyas Rina Rosdiana, full name given from her parents almost 3 decades ago. Rina her nick...

Islam, Sexuality and Culture

By : KH. Husein Muhammad The term of “sexuality” is often simplified with understanding to merely biological activities related to male or female sexual organs....