Islam  and  Anti Sexual Violence Principles Part 2

Structural and Cultural Responsibility  In one of the hadith text, Prophet Muhammad saw requested to all of the companions for helping the evil person for...

Justice Perspective in Family Law Postulate

The case of violence that afflicts humanity has motivated the agents of change civilization to realize the perspective of life (way of life) and...

Adolescent Pregnancy

By : KH. Husein Muhammad Female adolescent pregnancy now becomes an important topic of discussions not only in the national context, Indonesia, but also becomes...

Islam  and  Anti Sexual Violence Principles Part 1

By: Faqih Abdul Kodir*   Kongres Ulama Perempuan Indonesia (KUPI) or Indonesian Women Ulama Conggres in 2017 in Pesantren Kebon Jambu, Cirebon, had issued the fatwa...

Wary If Our Beloved is a Doer of Violence !

Wary If Our Beloved is a Doer of Violence ! : Fokus 41st Edition Monday, May 6th, 2013 06.46 By Kusumaningtyas “ I am a 22...

Islam, Women and Development of Peace Initiative

By : Faqihuddin Abdul Kodir The greediness of strong states and global multinational company to the economic resources of the developing countries not only threaten...

Questioning Elderly Women (Part I)

“We (the elderly) are always considered as people who can no longer think and who are always brought up with illnesses, not productivity…What needs...

Interpreting the Concept of “Gender Justice Family”

The articles in this draft of Bill (RUU Ketahanan Keluarga or Draft of Bill of Family Resilience) established the gender biased roles of men...

Sexual Violence in Emergencies and The importance of the Bill on...

  The Urgency of the Pungkas Bill as a Legal Protection The Pungkas Bill is the answer to the complex cases of sexual violence that continue...

Women’s Work Force and Priorities

By: Faqihuddin Abdul Kodir The principles and teachings of Islam handed down by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), propose that every person should work hard and...