Women Participation in the Village Development: The Perspective of Quranic...

The issue of village development through Law on Village that had been planned by the government aimed to achieve the equal distribution of welfare....

Elderly in the Qur’an Perspective (Part 1)

By: Silvia Rahmah, M.Ag* Khaulah bin Tsa’labah, the female Prophet’s companion, pledged a complaint and Allah accommodated her complaint.  She was married to a Prophet’s...

Fundamentalism and its Implications for Women

By : Nina Nurmila, PhD Fundamentally, Islam is a Religion of Equality and Justice If we define fundamentalism in reference to the Concise Oxford Dictionary of...

Education for Women

By : Nina Nurmila, PhD Acknowledgement  Education is an intended process which is done by the adult (mature) person who play the role as educator to...

Islam, Sexuality and Culture

By : KH. Husein Muhammad The term of “sexuality” is often simplified with understanding to merely biological activities related to male or female sexual organs....

Adolescent Pregnancy

By : KH. Husein Muhammad Female adolescent pregnancy now becomes an important topic of discussions not only in the national context, Indonesia, but also becomes...

Not Physical Matters, but Piety

By : Dr. Nur Rofiah, Bil. Uzm. Allah created human beings in diverse conditions, whether in their nature, character, intelligence, skin color, eye color, hair...

Elimination of the Sexual  Violence in the Quran  

  By: Nur Rofiah   The history of human civilization is colored by inhuman perspectives and traditions that disgrace women. Women are seen as objects belonging to...

Jilbab / Hijab and Piety

By : KH. Husein Muhammad Jilbab and Hijab—often used interchangeably—are two classical vocabularies which continue to be discussed occasionally. This issue was written in thousands...

Responsibility in Using Reproductive Organ

By : Dr. Nur Rofiah, Bil.Uzm. Education becomes the key word to build human consciousness which is expected to change human behavior in order to...