Elderly in the Qur’an Perspective (Part 2)
The Elder in the Qur’an
There are several words indicating the elder in Islam, they are: asy-Syaikhasy, Syuyukh, al-Kibar, al-Ajuz, dan ardzalil-’umur. Firstly, the word...
Women Participation in the Village Development: The Perspective of Quranic...
The issue of village development through Law on Village that had been planned by the government aimed to achieve the equal distribution of welfare....
Adolescent Pregnancy
By : KH. Husein Muhammad
Female adolescent pregnancy now becomes an important topic of discussions not only in the national context, Indonesia, but also becomes...
Fundamentalism and its Implications for Women
By : Nina Nurmila, PhD
Fundamentally, Islam is a Religion of Equality and Justice
If we define fundamentalism in reference to the Concise Oxford Dictionary of...
Violence in the Dating Period
Dating in Islamic Discourse
Indeed, Islamic discourse does not recognize the term of dating or courtship. Therefore courtship commitment has no any legal implications. In...
Elimination of the Sexual Violence in the Quran
By: Nur Rofiah
The history of human civilization is colored by inhuman perspectives and traditions that disgrace women. Women are seen as objects belonging to...
Women’s Leadership in Conflict Areas
By : Nina Nurmila
In normal conditions, the validity of women’s leadership has been frequently questioned and even harder when they become leaders in conflict...
Learning from the Quran in Discussing Sexuality
Technology has given various kind of easiness to santri (students of Islamic Boarding School). If in the past, Santri need a lot of times...
The Meaning of Jihad and Qital in the Qur’an (Part I)
By: Imam Nakha’i
The Conscious Rising of Jihad among Women
One day, Ummu Salamah, the first woman who migrated to Medina, expressed her concern to the...
Islam Rejects Sexual Violence
By: Imam Nakha’i
The development of Information Technology (IT) is continued by the more number of dimensions of Violence Against Women (VAW). The online Gender...