Father, Let’s Take Care of Children with Mother
Dr. Nur Rofiah, Bil. Uzm.
The closeness of a child with his/her mother can be awakened since he/she was in the womb. For approximately nine...
How to Discuss Sexuality
The interesting one in the Quranic verses regarding sexuality is the strong emphasis on ethics or morals in addressing reproductive organs, whether belonging to...
Elderly in the Qur’an Perspective (Part 2)
The Elder in the Qur’an
There are several words indicating the elder in Islam, they are: asy-Syaikhasy, Syuyukh, al-Kibar, al-Ajuz, dan ardzalil-’umur. Firstly, the word...
Learning from Al Quran in Discussing Sexuality
by : Dr. Nur Rofiah, Bil. Uzm.
Technology has given various kind of easiness to santri. In the past, santri needed a lot of times...
Violence in the Dating Period
Dating in Islamic Discourse
Indeed, Islamic discourse does not recognize the term of dating or courtship. Therefore courtship commitment has no any legal implications. In...
Elderly in the Qur’an Perspective (Part 1)
By: Silvia Rahmah, M.Ag*
Khaulah bin Tsa’labah, the female Prophet’s companion, pledged a complaint and Allah accommodated her complaint. She was married to a Prophet’s...
Women Participation in the Village Development: The Perspective of Quranic...
The issue of village development through Law on Village that had been planned by the government aimed to achieve the equal distribution of welfare....
Learning from the Quran in Discussing Sexuality
Technology has given various kind of easiness to santri (students of Islamic Boarding School). If in the past, Santri need a lot of times...
Not Physical Matters, but Piety
By : Dr. Nur Rofiah, Bil. Uzm.
Allah created human beings in diverse conditions, whether in their nature, character, intelligence, skin color, eye color, hair...
Education for Women
By : Nina Nurmila, PhD
Education is an intended process which is done by the adult (mature) person who play the role as educator to...