Father, Let’s Take Care of Children with Mother

Dr. Nur Rofiah, Bil. Uzm. The closeness of a child with his/her mother can be awakened since he/she was in the womb. For approximately nine...

Women and Environmental Preservation

By : Nina Nurmila, PhD. Introduction The exegesis (tafsir) on environmental issues is a new subject considering many classical exegeses which influenced in the Muslim life...

Biological, Psychological and Social Maturity : A Quranic Perspective

By : Ustadz Imam Nahe'i, MAg. The Meaning of 'Aqil Baligh What do people imagine when they hear the word 'Aqil baligh / maturity? What are...

How to Discuss Sexuality

The interesting one in the Quranic verses regarding sexuality is the strong emphasis on ethics or morals in addressing reproductive organs, whether belonging to...

Jilbab / Hijab and Piety

By : KH. Husein Muhammad Jilbab and Hijab—often used interchangeably—are two classical vocabularies which continue to be discussed occasionally. This issue was written in thousands...

Elderly in the Qur’an Perspective (Part 1)

By: Silvia Rahmah, M.Ag* Khaulah bin Tsa’labah, the female Prophet’s companion, pledged a complaint and Allah accommodated her complaint.  She was married to a Prophet’s...

The Meaning of Jihad and Qital in the Qur’an (Part I)

By: Imam Nakha’i   The Conscious Rising of Jihad among Women One day, Ummu Salamah, the first woman who migrated to Medina, expressed her concern to the...

Learning from Al Quran in Discussing Sexuality

by : Dr. Nur Rofiah, Bil. Uzm. Technology has given various kind of easiness to santri. In the past, santri needed a lot of times...

Islam Rejects Sexual Violence

By: Imam Nakha’i The development of Information Technology (IT) is continued by the more number of dimensions of Violence Against Women (VAW). The online Gender...

Violence in the Dating Period

Dating  in Islamic Discourse Indeed, Islamic discourse does not recognize the term of dating or courtship. Therefore courtship commitment has no any legal implications. In...