Fundamentalism: Violence against women

By Enik Maslahah * I remember when my fellow members of Fatayat NU Yogyakarta participating in the interfaith prayer cultural event, in Kotagede, Yogyakarta (9/2013)...

Imam Nahe’i: A Wife is Neither Just A Helper Nor...

Imam Nahe’i: A Wife is Neither Just A Helper Nor  An Assitant By: Isthiqonita “I tent to be labelled as ‘liberal”, although I feel that...

Exciting Experiences Around Family Planning

Exciting Experiences Around Family Planning  by: Kokom  Komariyah Speaking about KB (Family Planning), I have some exciting, sad, and funny experiences. One day, I delivered a...

Sattar Edhi, A Humanitarian Servant without Robe

Abdul Sattar Edhi is not only the pride of Pakistan, but also the Islamic world.  The founder of Edhi Foundation had realized the value...

ISLAMIC FEMINISM a la Amina Wadud Muhsin

by: Ali Mujib Amina Wadud is a woman who shocked Muslim world by allowing and making herself the Imam and Khatib of Friday praying in...

Reading Religious Text in Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd’s Style

By : Maman Abdurrahman Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd is not a strange name in the eyes of progressive thinkers in Indonesia. He is known with...

Fatmawati Hilal An Initiator and Innovator Woman from South Sulawesi

By : Sadry Saputra, S.H   “I heard the sound of a hard beating which then was followed by the hysterical crying of a woman. I...

KH. Husein Muhammad, the bearer of blessing

Husein Muhammad is his name. Kyai Haji is the honorific title given by santri (students) and society to him because of his pronounced religious...

Nyai Khoiriyah Hasyim: Pioneer of Women Educators in Pesantren

By: Rika Iffati Farihah In the part of conclusion of her article entitled “The Main Points of Lecture on the Understanding Among Madzahib (Islamic Schools...

River : A Sociological Arena

Tuesday, April 29, 2014 06: 05 Nurkhayati Aida Talking about river and its surrounding community, my memory drifted on the role of an architect who...