‘Forum Pengada Layanan’: Protecting the Rights of Victims of Violence to...

Veni Siregar and Titim Fatmawati* "That night I visited Yuli's house (not her real name). She is a survivor of sexual violence that I accompany....

ISLAMIC FEMINISM a la Amina Wadud Muhsin

by: Ali Mujib Amina Wadud is a woman who shocked Muslim world by allowing and making herself the Imam and Khatib of Friday praying in...

The Happy Family in the Perspective of KH. Ali Yafie

By: Helmi Ali Prof. KH. Ali Yafie  is well known as a religious leader with numbers of creation, also one of  the well-known ulama, also...

Sattar Edhi, A Humanitarian Servant without Robe

Abdul Sattar Edhi is not only the pride of Pakistan, but also the Islamic world.  The founder of Edhi Foundation had realized the value...

Musdah Mulia, the Reformist Muslima

Image: beritagar.id/ Bismo Agung   By Pera Soparianti and Sari Narulita Musdah Mulia is an intellectual and activist focusing on various social justice issues, particularly women’s rights issues. She is...

Child Marriage Causes Many Disadvantages (Madharat)

Zudi Rahmanto: Child Marriage Causes Many Disadvantages (Madharat) Zudi Rahmanto, S.Ag., M.Ag., was born in Gunung Kidul, on June 17, 1973. After having completed his...

Let Your Students Understand the Good and Negative Impacts of Information...

Chusna Arifah: Let Your Students Understand the Good and Negative Impacts of Information Technology by: AD.Kusumaningtyas Dra. Hj. Chusna Arifah, SPd.I. MPd.I, was born in Yogyakarta...

Nur Rofiah: the Initiator of Substantive Justice for...

By: Pera Soparianti and Tia Istianah Nur Rofi’ah is a woman scholar of the Quranic Exegesis who teaches in the postgraduate program of Perguruan...

The Prevention of Child Marriage Practices Requires Cooperation from Various...

Dr. Mia Siscawati: The Prevention of Child Marriage Practices Requires  Cooperation from Various Parties Dr. Mia Siscawati, commonly called by her maiden name Mia, was born in...

Mairil : From Imam Syafi’i until Robert K. Merton

By : Muhyiddin Depe  For some people, talking about mairil is a taboo. How come, talking about mairil means talking about pesantren (boarding school). While...