‘Forum Pengada Layanan’: Protecting the Rights of Victims of Violence to...
Veni Siregar and Titim Fatmawati*
"That night I visited Yuli's house (not her real name). She is a survivor of sexual violence that I accompany....
Smart Students Use Technology to Let Them Move On
By: Isthiqonita
As an alumna of a pesantren in district of Garut, the writer is quite experienced in students’ daily life. Speaking about pesantren, there...
Fatmawati Hilal An Initiator and Innovator Woman from South Sulawesi
By : Sadry Saputra, S.H
“I heard the sound of a hard beating which then was followed by the hysterical crying of a woman. I...
Exciting Experiences Around Family Planning
Exciting Experiences Around Family Planning
by: Kokom Komariyah
Speaking about KB (Family Planning), I have some exciting, sad, and funny experiences. One day, I delivered a...
Saparinah Sadli The Concept of Heterogeneity for the Elderly
By: Fitria Sari*
Saparinah Sadli is a tireless academic, human rights defender, writer, researcher, and activist on women's issues. This woman who was born on...
When Sexuality Becomes A Subject of Classroom Discussion
by: Lukman Hadi
“Astagfirullahal-‘azhim.” That was first sentence coming out from students of Madrasah Aliyah Al Ghozaliyah Jombang the first time followed the subject of...
Nur Rofiah: the Initiator of Substantive Justice for...
By: Pera Soparianti and Tia Istianah
Nur Rofi’ah is a woman scholar of the Quranic Exegesis who teaches in the postgraduate program of Perguruan...
The Happy Family in the Perspective of KH. Ali Yafie
By: Helmi Ali
Prof. KH. Ali Yafie is well known as a religious leader with numbers of creation, also one of the well-known ulama, also...
Mairil : From Imam Syafi’i until Robert K. Merton
By : Muhyiddin Depe
For some people, talking about mairil is a taboo. How come, talking about mairil means talking about pesantren (boarding school). While...
The Prevention of Child Marriage Practices Requires Cooperation from Various...
Dr. Mia Siscawati:
The Prevention of Child Marriage Practices Requires
Cooperation from Various Parties
Dr. Mia Siscawati, commonly called by her maiden name Mia, was born in...