Reading Religious Text in Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd’s Style
By : Maman Abdurrahman
Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd is not a strange name in the eyes of progressive thinkers in Indonesia. He is known with...
Nyai Khoiriyah Hasyim: Pioneer of Women Educators in Pesantren
By: Rika Iffati Farihah
In the part of conclusion of her article entitled “The Main Points of Lecture on the Understanding Among Madzahib (Islamic Schools...
Sharing the Roles During Pandemic COVID-19
By: Yulianti Muthmainnah
Marriage is a negosiation all the time. The two individuals which previously lives separately, become lives together to build a family. A...
Saparinah Sadli The Concept of Heterogeneity for the Elderly
By: Fitria Sari*
Saparinah Sadli is a tireless academic, human rights defender, writer, researcher, and activist on women's issues. This woman who was born on...
Educating Children Needs Parents as Role Models
Kyai Imam Nahe’I, MHI.
Imam Nahe'I MHI was born in Malang, on February 12, 1970. He is a writer, researcher, and lecturer at the institution...
Mullah Sadra: toward the Path of Light
By: Nurkhayati Aida
People known him as Mullah Sadra, the founder of the third school of Islamic philosophy - Hikmah Muta'alliyah. Born by the name...
Islam does not introduce female circumcision
Hamim Ilyas:
Dr. Hamim Ilyas, born in Klaten on the 1st April 1961. He is a teacher, an activist for women’s justice. He has been...
Fatmawati Hilal An Initiator and Innovator Woman from South Sulawesi
By : Sadry Saputra, S.H
“I heard the sound of a hard beating which then was followed by the hysterical crying of a woman. I...
Fundamentalist Religious Views which are Androcentric, Patriarchal and Sexist
Inayah Rochmaniyah, PhD.:
Fundamentalist Religious Views which are Androcentric, Patriarchal and Sexist
Inayah Rochmaniyah, PhD., is a lecturer in the Faculty of Usuluddin and Islamic Thought...
The phenomenon of violence against women
The world has witnessed how women have been victimized by various atrocities. One form of the atrocities is violence against women. It can be...