Building Pesantren and Madrasah with Reproductive Health Literacy

by: Nyai Hj. Mahmudah Achmad Is it taboo to talk about reproductive health and sexuality? For me, its not, also for the santri in Darul...

Fundamentalism: Violence against women

By Enik Maslahah * I remember when my fellow members of Fatayat NU Yogyakarta participating in the interfaith prayer cultural event, in Kotagede, Yogyakarta (9/2013)...

Asghar Ali Engineer: Because Revelation is Not Contradictory with Reason

By: Risma Hikmawati Born in an elite religious community milieu which later on so close with the gross exploitation in the name of religion, make...

Reading Religious Text in Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd’s Style

By : Maman Abdurrahman Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd is not a strange name in the eyes of progressive thinkers in Indonesia. He is known with...

Encouraging Teen’s Access to Sex and Reproductive Health Service

By: Muvitasari Halimah, female, 17 years old, unmarried, and is a mother. She lives in a village and had ever earned education in a high...

Mairil : From Imam Syafi’i until Robert K. Merton

By : Muhyiddin Depe  For some people, talking about mairil is a taboo. How come, talking about mairil means talking about pesantren (boarding school). While...

Zero Tolerance for Dating Violence

By: Ni’matin Khomsiyah  In a village in the southern area of Pati, there is a culture that when a girl is engaged to her fiancée,...

Poligamy in the Qur’anic Reading of Muhammad Syahrur

by: Eka Julaiha The scientific Islamic repertoire was added by phenomenal book al-Kitab wa Alqur’an: Qira’ah Mu’asirah  written by Muhammad Syahrur that brought out scientific...

Is KB an ‘Obligation’ For Women?

by: Neng Hannah Mat (a pseudonym), admitted having a conflict with her husband after giving birth to two daughters from their marriage. Her husband...

Female Circumcision in the Local Tradition

by: Ala’i Nadjib  Circumcision in the Javanese coastal language, the district of Jepara-Pati-Rembang and surrounding areas, is often referred in term nyelamake. Not knowing the...