Women’s Leadership in Conflict Areas

By : Nina Nurmila In normal conditions, the validity of women’s leadership has been frequently questioned and even harder when they become leaders in conflict...

Violence in the Dating Period

Dating  in Islamic Discourse Indeed, Islamic discourse does not recognize the term of dating or courtship. Therefore courtship commitment has no any legal implications. In...

Islam, Sexuality and Culture

By : KH. Husein Muhammad The term of “sexuality” is often simplified with understanding to merely biological activities related to male or female sexual organs....

Children Age Marriage

By : Dr. Nur Rofiah, Bil. Uzm. and Iffatul Umniati Lc, MA. To marry a girl-child in her very young age also means had been...

Education for Women

By : Nina Nurmila, PhD Acknowledgement  Education is an intended process which is done by the adult (mature) person who play the role as educator to...

Emulate the Prophet in the Elimination on Violence Against Women (VAW)

By: Luluk Farida As long as with the development of technology, human life become easier in accessing science, knowledge, data, information and the fulfilment of...

Women’s Role in the Rural Development : from the Hadith...

Based on Law No.7 Year 2014 on the Village Governance,  the Village structure had been appointed authority to be directly participated in the planning...

Father Caring for Children: The Hadith Perspective

Written By: Faqihuddin Abdul Kodir Prophet Muhammad's Hadith is the second source in the formulation of Islamic teachings, which must always be associated with the...

The Wise Respond towards Sex Technology Booming

By : Faqihuddin Abdul Kodir The development of technology is necessary.  It will continue to influence all aspects of people life. Not only to fulfill...

The Interpretation of Baligh Vis a Vis Adulthood in Multiple...

By: Hj Afwah Mumtazah, M.Pd.I There are several cases of child marriage in rural areas because of free relationship, or because of parents’ interpretation regarding...