By Gina Utami

Violent-based extremism that leads to acts of terror in Indonesia has become a concern for both the public and the government. Through Presidential Decree No. 7 of 2021, the government has issued the National Action Plan for the Prevention and Combating of Violent Extremism. In line with the government’s efforts to respond to violent extremism, Rahima has made efforts to prevent violent extremism in SMA and SMK in Cirebon and Sukoharjo. The activity that Rahima carried out was training for SMA/SMK teachers with the theme “Enforcing Peace in a School Environment Based on Religious and National Values”.

The training involved teachers of Islamic Religious Education, History, Pancasila and civic education, and Counseling Guidance. The training was conducted twice in each region, Cirebon Regency on 8-10 April and 15-16 June 2021, while in Sukoharjo Regency on 21-23 June and 12-14 July 2021. As for some of the materials presented, are (1) learning independence; (2) andragogy approach (adult education); (3) gender understanding; (4) True Justice; (5) national insight; (6) hoax prevention; (7) preparation of Learning Implementation Plans that are integrated with training materials.

In the andragogy approach material session, the teachers were given an understanding that students were not empty glasses but subjects. So the teacher must humanize students by referring to experience or reflection. As for the mapping session, the teachers discussed cases of intolerance and violence that were often encountered in schools. From the results of the discussion, it was found that cases of intolerance occurred because of the failure to manage diversity, both in the name of religion, gender, race (ethnicity), and economy (social status).

In the discussion, one of the teachers said that there were some students who did not want to respect the red and white flag during the ceremony. There is also a teacher who is an extracurricular coach who said that his students wanted to be facilitated by archery. When learning archery the student looks like he is in jihad, wearing a turban and shouting “Allahu Akbar“.

Meanwhile, the results of the discussion of violence in the school environment found several cases, including verbal, physical, and even sexual violence. The verbal violence encountered were harsh words, yelling, insults, and bullying. Forms of physical violence include punishing students excessively, bullying, and fighting between schools. The forms of sexual violence encountered included sexual harassment, whether it happened to fellow teachers or teachers to students.  Another thing that was also discussed by the teacher was pregnancy that occurred in students, so the students concerned had to leave school and follow package C because of the situation they were in.

This training for SMA/SMK teachers in Cirebon and Sukoharjo district resulted in significant changes. Especially in efforts to introduce andragogy, intolerance, and gender-based violence. Rahima hopes that the teachers will be able to implement the training materials, especially the andragogy approach into the lesson plans. Teachers are also expected to be able to integrate national values, tolerance, and Essential Justice (Keadilan Hakiki) both in the school environment and in everyday life.

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