Jilbab / Hijab and Piety

By : KH. Husein Muhammad Jilbab and Hijab—often used interchangeably—are two classical vocabularies which continue to be discussed occasionally. This issue was written in thousands...

Reciprocal Reading towards Sexuality Issues in the Hadith texts

By : Faqihuddin Abdul Kodir The Prophet’s hadith is a necessary reference for all muslims. But our horizon as individual and also a member of...

Aligning the Culture Making of Hadith-Hadith About Women

In a training  of the female ulemas, KH. Husein Muhammad expressed his criticism on the hadiths  which are quoted from the Book ‘Syarh 'Uqud...

Santri, Sexuality and Information Technology (IT)

Focus, Edition 50  Santri, Sexuality and Information Technology (IT) by: AD. Kusumaningtyas “Sanitary napkins contain chemicals should be withdrawn from market,” an exclamation spread out in...

Affirmation of the Prophet on the Rights of Women

At first, discussions about women's issues is a discussion about Islam itself. In principle, almost all scholars agreed on the equality of men and...

Women’s Work Force and Priorities

By: Faqihuddin Abdul Kodir The principles and teachings of Islam handed down by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), propose that every person should work hard and...

Is it Permissible to send the elderly Mother to the Nursing...

With: KH Cecep Jayakarama Assalamualaikum,  Let me introduce myself, my name is Putri, I am a single mother. My husband passed away a year ago. I...

Choosing The Principle notThe Partial

Discussing the fact on the subject 'the Prophet Muhammad PBUH did Polygamy' is still an interesting topic of discussion. There are lots of analyses...

Environmental Preservation in the Treasury of Hadith and Women’s Role

Monday, April 28, 2014 8:48 Dra. Nyai Hj. Badriyah Fayumi, Lc The living environment has always been an integral part of the principal teachings of...

Questioning Elderly Women (Part II)

Heterogeneity of Elderly Women Sadli (2018) in her book entitled 'Being a Healthy and Productive Woman in Elderly’' takes many pictures of the experiences of...