Zero Tolerance for Dating Violence

By: Ni’matin Khomsiyah  In a village in the southern area of Pati, there is a culture that when a girl is engaged to her fiancée,...

Building Pesantren and Madrasah with Reproductive Health Literacy

by: Nyai Hj. Mahmudah Achmad Is it taboo to talk about reproductive health and sexuality? For me, its not, also for the santri in Darul...

Exciting Experiences Around Family Planning

Exciting Experiences Around Family Planning  by: Kokom  Komariyah Speaking about KB (Family Planning), I have some exciting, sad, and funny experiences. One day, I delivered a...

Ms. Khotim and ‘Home for the Ummah’

"Since I was little, I was used to seeing my mother busy outside the house. Indeed, that was something unusual at that time. Moreover,...

Mpok (Sister) Aan: A Betawinese Woman with Heaps of Activities

by: Dani “Alright, Mbak (Sister), I’ll come along in the afternoon. This morning I already made an appointment with someone from the Ministry of Religions...

Smart Students Use Technology to Let Them Move On

By: Isthiqonita As an alumna of a pesantren in district of Garut, the writer is quite experienced in students’ daily life. Speaking about pesantren, there...

Establishing a House of Sakinah Family without Violence

Zudi Rahmanto: Marriage is a firm and strong bond, in which two human beings tie up a sacred relationship to build a sakinah (tranquil)...

Fundamentalism: Violence against women

By Enik Maslahah * I remember when my fellow members of Fatayat NU Yogyakarta participating in the interfaith prayer cultural event, in Kotagede, Yogyakarta (9/2013)...

Yahya Arifin : A Reproductive Health Young Activist from Al-Ghozaliyah to...

by: AD Eridani “… In 2014, when PKRS became the mandatory school subject for students of natural and social science at Pesantren Al Ghozaliyah, I...

Family Planning as A Lifestyle

Opinion 2 for Edition 36 DR. Dr. Sugiri Syarief, MPA: Family Planning as A Lifestyle by: Riri Khariroh   Dr. Sugiri Syarief, MPA was...